Fall Season Begins Soon

We had our tryouts for the 2023 Fall Season last weekend and are looking forward to workin with our coaches to form the teams. For the Fall, we do things a little differently with one practice a week and 4 weekend tournaments in October. We feel like this helps our players navigate their time efficiently if they are playing multiple sports and also prepares them for their school tryouts and basketball season.

Regarding individual and group training, we will begin that again after the Fall Season. If you are interested in specialized training for your son as well as the Spring/Summer AAU season, feel free to email Coach Kingsley or Mike Van Hoozer to get more information and be put on the list.

2021 Basketball Tryouts

We are excited about the upcoming AAU basketball season and are beginning planning and preparation for what this year will look like. We will be having tryouts for our boys 9th grade team as well as a new 7th grade team on February 7th at Campbell Elementary. The 9th grade team will have tryouts from 9 am to 10:30 am, and the 7th grade tryouts will be from 10:30 am to 12 pm. We will be abiding by Katy ISD health and safety protocols including having every player wear a face covering and socially distancing from others when not engaging in an activity on the court. Please make sure that your son brings a mask or face cover to wear.

If you are interested, click on this link to register.